Wednesday, December 22, 2010

And still more thrifted Christmas...

I bought a Santa head mug and thought "oh maybe I'll collect a few..." and then found these two Holt Howard cuties for 99 cents each at Savers. That store kills me...some things are absurdly expensive and then some things are really, really cheap. Go figure.
The hanging Santa is really a card I bought for a dime...actually, I bought ten of them for ten dimes. He is just adorable. Not thrifted, but thrifty is the Vera (modern) Christmas I succumbed to while shopping RETAIL at Macy's. It was 50% off of 25 dollars and I had some coupons and rewards so it ended up being about 8 dollars. They were limited in the Vera dept. I considered buying Christmas placemats, but they only had one and I didn't feel like questing to the other Macy's all over the island. The napkins that would have matched were plain and expensive. I am happy with the apron and obviously didn't need the placemats.

I recently made a friend's grandchildren cloth Mary Engelbreit books for Chrismas from panels. I thought "wow, panels are fun and easy to sew...why aren't there more of them?" Then at the thrift store, what shows up? this panel of 6 calico ornaments with it's original Sears price tag of 1.29. I paid a quarter. After my initial thrill of finding vintage craft items and kits, I get a little sad because the person with the intentions who bought it, never did it. I keep reminding myself of this as I sit among a million potential craft projects. I didn't have time to whip them up this Christmas, but maybe after.

The other half of the panel. So cute!

I also found a gingerbread house panel with it's original Sears price tag. I think the panels came from the same home. It's very cute, too.

Dolls for the gingerbread house...
Well, there was no Thrift Share Monday to link up I'm bummed. I was delighted, though, to find actual COMMENTS on my prior posts. I hope people are checking back and I'm going to try to respond to comments. New to the whole blogging thing and all...but working on it.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Secret Santa Crafting

'Tis the season for Secret Santa at work. I drew the name of one of our school's secretaries. She indicated on her form that one of her hobbies is baking. I immediately thought to make her a Christmas apron. I have tons of apron patterns in my stash and seldom make any of them, or anything much for that matter. Our gift exchange is Wednesday, the 15th, so I chose the easiest one I could find. It's a McCalls pattern from the 1980's, which I picked up at Savers for 69 cents. I could have also gone to town creating appliance cozies, but maybe some other time. I just grabbed a yard of cheap gingham at Walmart Friday night. I was pretty sure I had some suitable trim laying around my place. All of the Honolulu Marathoners were in town as the marathon was today. They all seemed to be at Walmart, so I came home exhausted from the crowd and all the other shopping I had to do. I didn't make this until Saturday night. It was very, very easy and came together in about 2 hours. The next time I make it, I should be able to do it in about an hour. I was being careful and actually following the directions so I wouldn't have to spend time ripping out my mistakes like I usually do. It paid major mistakes. Only someone who sews might be able to spot the flaws. Not that it's perfect, but it's pretty good. It looks cute on my dressform, anyway.

I originally wanted to ball fringe the bottom, but after doing the pockets, it seemed like enough.

I had about 5 yards of this vintage ball fringe in Christmas colors tucked away. I was so happy to have a chance to use it. I think I paid a quarter for it at a church thrift store. It was kind of stretchy to work with and I'd never sewn it on anything before, so next time I'll know better how to cut it to center it just right on the pocket.

Along with the apron, I'm giving her a thrifted copy of Betty Crocker's New Christmas Cookbook from 1993, an extra Pyrex Butter print mixing bowl I've had hanging around, a new potholder, and 2 new wooden spoons. I may include a Betty Crocker sugar cookie mix in with it. The limit was $10.00 and I'm coming in way under that, but it looks like I went over. I love it when that happens!

Now I'm in the mood to do more crafting, but I have to work on report cards. Bummer.

Friday, December 10, 2010

More Thrifted Decor...

Reunited and it feels so good...
I am a sucker for anything homemade/handmade. Two years ago in the Salvation Army, I came across this knitted, round, Christmas house of sorts. It's a coffee can in disguise. It is perfect for holding Christmas cookies (inside a Ziploc baggie). Then about 2 or 3 weeks ago, I found a mini-version. A guest house, if you will. It's a peanut can in disguise. I have done ZERO baking this year, but these adorable little houses look so cute on my kitchen bar! I don't know if these were ever together before, but they sure seem to belong together! Maybe one day I'll bake...

At a different Salvation Army on the Wednesday night before Thanksgiving, I came across 19 pieces of Spode Christmas Tree china. As we all know, "only Spode is Spode." Never mind that I already have enough dinner plates to open a restaurant, I had to have them. At $15.00 I just couldn't resist. I have 6 place settings in my parents' attic in NC, but to get them to HI would cost way more than 15 bucks. I am going to use the 3 extra salad plates as parts of gifts I plan to give.

This little herd of reindeer was waiting for me at the Goodwill that's in the same town as the Salvation Army where I found the Spode. They were 99 cents each and just too cute. My school office has a huge herd of these same ceramic critters decorating the teachers' mailboxes. Only their herd is painted a lovely shade It's funny that they're the exact same reindeer, but I prefer the tan ones myself.

I found this lovely Tasha Tudor book at Savers that same night. When I go "far away" thrifting to Waipahu, which is about 14 miles away from Honolulu, I stop at 3 stores and I am never disappointed. I found a ton of great Christmas books for my classroom, as well as, my craft/cookbook collection. It was an awesome night! This book is very sweet and my students are really drawn into the "old fashioned-ness" of the stories and illustrations. I'm totally enjoying my 3rd graders who still believe in Santa and are just enthralled with all things holiday and Christmas.
Their enthusiasm really helps to keep me in the spirit of Christmas!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A Very Thrifty Christmas...

Do two angels make a whole host? These girlies were 99 cents each at the Goodwill! The next week, I found 2 more, so now I have 4 and that should surely equal a host!
Here are treasured Lego Chrismas characters from my college days of the 1990's. I think there are still a couple more at my parent's house in NC. I need to get out more to Target or Toys R Us because there could be new ones! These were probably 99 cents at Walmart, but I think those are days gone by. In the background are some thrifted brass angels that hold candles. They remind me of my mom, I love them!

Please do not laugh at my tiny tree. I thrifted it for 1.99 at Savers and it is the perfect table top tree. I spent about a half-hour picking off hot-glued Christmas ornaments and then decorated it with my Playmobil ornaments (from Savers). Christmas trees in Hawaii are just not worth it. I was a real-tree every year girl when I lived in NC. Since living in Hawaii, I've never had a Hawaiian Christmas. I've always traveled to TX or NC and so I never "needed" a tree. My bow is lame, I'm working on it!
Honestly, I had a HARD time getting any motivation to decorate. I started feeling all grinchy and bah humbug around Thanksgiving time. I think part of it was seeing Santa on top of Ala Moana Shopping Center the day after Halloween and part of it was just a variety of other things going on. Luckily, something came over me on Black Friday and I drug out the rubbermaid tubs and pulled out the decor. I have more to share, but I had to experiement first with putting more than one picture in a post. Mele Kalikimaka!